Sunday, July 4, 2010

Order Ruff Rider Roadie Elite Canine Vehicle Restraint System/Utility Harness, size 5

I think when I bought mine, the photo must've been correct because I wasn't expecting a padded version.
I like this harness for the most part. It isn't a perfect fit, but I find nothing fits my spaniel very well anyway.
I DO NOT like the way this thing pulls my dog to one side/down when used with the standard (nowadays) shoulder harness belt in the backseat of my car, which is why I use an additional attachment that I bought to use with a different harness system. The attachment hooks to the metal piece on this unit and then to the child safety restraint hook in my back seat. It is probably not as safe as just strapping him in with the seatbelt, but more comfortable.
If you have lapbelts only, rare these days, then the major flaw is not a problem.
Overall - the best harness I've purchased for him - one piece construction makes me feel he is secure and it doesn't weigh him down like another I bought that had all these seatbelt buckles on it. But the way it fastens with the seatbelt is uncomfortable for my dog so I use an attachment that makes him slightly less safe. I still prefer this to a crate for dog comfort but I think it is six of one/half dozen of the other for safety - both crates and harnesses have their pluses & minuses where it comes to safety.Get more detail about Ruff Rider Roadie Elite Canine Vehicle Restraint System/Utility Harness, size 5.

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