Monday, May 17, 2010

Order Midwest Wire Mesh Car Barriers

Once I used some creative techniques to hold it in place it does in fact work, but not for dogs under 25 lbs or so if you have bucket seats instead of a bench. I had to use bungee cords to attach the barrier to the head rests of the seats in front of it because it can fall backwards if the dogs paw at it. Also, I had to put a little padding under the bottom of the legs to add some friction and help keep the legs in place.

Now that's its securely in place, it is in fact doing exactly what I need it too - keeping my dogs in the back while I drive (I tried the seatbelt thing and they learned to unbuckle themselves). My 40 lb dog can get her head most of the way under the bottom on the sides however, so I would imagine a smaller dog might slight through this space in a vehicle with bucket seats. I bought the part that extends the barrier in between the bucket seats and that works fine.Get more detail about Midwest Wire Mesh Car Barriers.

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