Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Cheapest Cat Tote Carrier in Black

Forget about cats...this is the ideal "man bag" for a guy with a small dog!! My husband and I have his and her Chihuahuas, and he calls this his "man bag" for carrying Rio. It looks like a briefcase or computer laptop case and he has taken his dog everywhere in this bag. We travel all over the country with our dogs, and they go into restaurants, stores, etc., in these bags. (I use the pink/brown bag with my dog, when I want to match, or the dogs will be in the bag for awhile...they are really comfortable for them for long periods of time to be in, as they are roomy.

The mesh is finer, so a cat can't get his claws into it to rip, plus there is a lot of storage in the side pockets. It's big enough so our dogs can sit if they want, but they usually just curl up and go to sleep or chew on a rawhide while inside.

A truly great bag, for cats OR dogs. Has a shoulder strap as well as a handle (like a briefcase). Sits nicely on the floor without falling over. We just love ours and use them constantly.Get more detail about Cat Tote Carrier in Black.

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